Ushering in our Second Century

The Elsinore Theatre will celebrate her 100th anniversary in May 2026. In honor of this momentous occasion, we are launching a capital campaign to invest in the next 100 years of our historic theater. 

It has been twenty years since the Return to Grandeur restoration efforts concluded. They laid the foundation that has allowed recent Elsinore seasons to comprise wonderfully full calendars of diverse, well-attended events. Elsinore operations bolster the quality of life for patrons, help fuel the downtown economy and give artists a stage to share their talents.

The Elsinore Theatre, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a full-time staff of 10 that operates under the direction of a Board of Directors. The organization owns the building and acts as responsible stewards of the treasured Salem venue, affording maintenance and (too frequent) critical repairs due to the building’s age.

Artists and patrons alike love coming to the Elsinore. But wear and tear are taking a toll, and to stay competitive and desirable in the future, help from the community is needed for capital improvements that will allow her to continue as the revered Showplace of the Willamette Valley.

There are two phases to our campaign —

Phase 1 encompasses enhancing our façade to replace long missing historic features that illuminate the Elsinore’s significance: the lighted blade sign, marquees, and roofline ornamentation. The wheels are in motion to make that installation happen the summer of 2025. (Estimated cost – $1.5 million) 

Phase 2 will focus on the auditorium and customer experience improvements – upgraded sound equipment and new seats with more ADA accessible seating options. (Estimated cost- $5 million)

The future of the Elsinore Theatre

Lighting our Way to 100 Years!

This project allows for restoration of spectacular historic features that were damaged or destroyed by weather events over the past decades: The Gothic roofline ornamentation which has failed at least three times in the Elsinore’s history, most recently in 2020, and needs to be recreated in a weather durable material; the 1928 lighted blade sign that once illuminated the block blew down in the 1962 Columbus Day storm and has been missing ever since; and the marquees that were added in the early 1930’s to announce upcoming shows to passing drivers and pedestrians have been missing for decades.

Replacing the blade sign and related improvements represents a very visible investment in a key Salem Downtown Historic District landmark. Not only will the project improve the visibility and public awareness of the theater, but it will increase the community’s knowledge of the increasingly diverse programming. The Elsinore is a true community center, offering arts, community performances, classic films, civic events, and social activities.

By bolstering the Elsinore’s exterior impact, these improvements will drive a continued and growing desire of patrons to choose it as a destination for enjoying performing arts and culture.

What does the project plan include?

  • 23’ aluminum blade sign with LED lights designed to look like the original version
  • Three LED signs that will be installed on the marquee to share upcoming shows with passers-by. To honor our historic designation, displays will be static with white letters on a black background that mimic the reader boards here in the 1930’s. This part of the project is on hold due to current City of Salem sign code prohibiting digital signs despite being historical-looking replica.
  • Installation of our missing rooftop “crown” ornamentation in a weather-friendly material
  • Refinishing and new electrical for the lighted E L S I N O R E letters on our marquee
  • Replacement of globe lights under the marquee with fixtures more like the original
  • Fresh paint for the building
  • Refinishing the wood window trim on our street front
  • Replacement of the cracked and worn entryway tile

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Phase 2 will launch in 2025.